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Formazione Scolastica, Scienza e Medicina
We explain popular and weird, little-known ideas in psychology. Whether you are a little curious about psychology, or a student, or even a professional, we have something for everyone.
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474 - Welcome to the Big Ivy League
0:00 / 0:00
474 - Welcome to the Big Ivy League
The ivy league school club is enduringly exclusive. We trace the origins of the term "ivy league," the history of those schols, and the factors that perpetuate their olympian status in the eyes of the general public. Welcome to the big ivy leagues!
Abraham: Squid Game (season 2) Corporate Rock Sucks (
Argyle DayBubble Bath DayEarth’s Rotation DayInternational Typing DayMidwife’s DayNational English Toffee DayNational Joygerm DayNational Snuggle a Chicken DayNational Winter Skin Relief DayShow and Tell Day at WorkTake the Stairs DayWar on Poverty DayWorld Literary DayCongenital Heart Defect Awareness WeekNational Lose Weight/Feel Great WeekNational Soccer Coaches of America WeekNational Thank Your Customer’s WeekNew Years’ Resolution WeekSomeday We’ll Laugh About This WeekLinks and References:-,Testaments%20in%20their%20original%20languages.
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Wed, 08 Jan 2025
473 - Mini: Student to Teacher Ratio
Start with: What is the purpose of education? If the answer is to produce intelligent, competent individuals, that means we care about how effective education is. If we care about how effective it is, then we should consider variables we know impact effectiveness. One of those is classroom size. The smaller the ratio of students to teachers, the better the outcomes. We'll explain better in the episode.
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-,the%20National%20Council%20of%20Teachers%20of%20English.,-Small%20classes%20facilitate&text=One%20study%20found%20that%20one,give%20immediate%20feedback%20on%20assignments.,tables%20and%207%20figures.)%22, T. S., & West, M. R. (2011). The Non-Cognitive Returns to Class Size. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(1), 23-46.
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Mon, 06 Jan 2025
472 - The Good Old Days
We got to 400 episodes! Let's take a look back into the past... not really, but we'll stalk about nostalgia—what it is, how it works, and why it’s more than just longing for the good old days. From its origins as a “psychological burden” to its modern role in fostering social connections and shaping behavior, we uncover the science, emotions, and even the marketing power behind nostalgic experiences. What do Mario Kart, Grandma’s cooking, and political slogans have in common?
Abraham: BlueSky ( Heatonist (
New Years Day (Happy New Year!)Apple Gifting DayBonza Bottler DayCommitment DayEllis Island DayFirst Foot DayHaitian Independence DayNational Hangover DayNew Year’s Dishonor List DayPolar Bear Plunge or Swim DayPublic Domain DayRing a Bell DayWorld Day of PeaceDiet Resolution WeekEnd of KwanzaaNational Time Consciousness WeekSilent Record WeekNational Bath Safety MonthNational Black Diamond MonthNational Blood Donor MonthNational Mentoring MonthNational Oatmeal MonthNational Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Links and references:- C, Wildschut T, Arndt J, and Routledge C. (2008). "Nostalgia: Past, Present, and Future." Current Directions in Psychological Science.,%20Wildschut,%20Arndt,%20%26%20Routledge,%202008,%20CDir.pdf,also%20early%20sensory%2Drelated%20processes.,most%20defining%20and%20impactful%20characteristics.
Wed, 01 Jan 2025
471 - Mini: The Tongue Map
The tongue map neatly divides taste into salty, sweet, sour, and bitter zones on which we can taste only those specific flavors. Turns out, it’s wrong. In this episode, we dive into the fascinating science of taste, debunking myths, exploring how our taste buds really work, and uncovering why this debunked idea keeps coming back.
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Mon, 30 Dec 2024
470 - Goodbye 2024
It's Christmas! Let's finish out the year with a chill retrospective on the year we are leaving behind. We recap our year as podcast, movies and TV we watched, and books we read. Plus we review some of our stats and accomplishments. Happy holidays and see you for full length episodes in 2025!
Pumpkin Pie DayDay of Winter WalksDecembeardany others…? Oh yeah, Christmas!
Abraham: Start or join a secular social groupShane: BakingBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Wed, 25 Dec 2024
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